The Well - Events and History
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Jesus 101 - Living A Life Of Blessedness
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Love Your Enemy - Jesus 101
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Let's shake things UP
Saturday April 5, 2014
Hidden In Christ
Cindy Lynch's vision during worship. God the Father on the throne. Jesus standing in front of Him. The Holy Spirit in front of Jesus, and We were standing in front of the HS. This vision would make much sense after the sermon.
Pastor Steve shook things up Saturday. He gave a message on How God sees us. Who does He see when He looks at His Children??
He doesn't see.........
Our Failures
Our Short Comings
Our Shame
Our Sins
When Daddy looks back at us He Sees JESUS!!!
We are Heirs, we are siblings of Jesus. We have a voice in Kingdom affairs. God grooms and matures us to work in the family business, not as slaves but Royalty.
We however can falsely identify ourselves by
1. Not fully grasping the fullness of God's love for us.
2. We get stuck in a servant mentality "works"
3. We fail to declare God's truth.
God's Marvelous Plans for Us
Ephesians 1:3-19
Romans 8:38-39
1. God's love for us is compassionate, jealous and Loyal. Jesus was made the PERFECT sacrifice so that we could have a abundant life and most importantly relationship and communion with God. Let's believe in this LOVE.
2. God the Father sees us as Christ formed in us. Our lives are hidden and covered by Jesus. God wants us to know our true identity. Ephesians 1:17-19
3. God wants our eyes straight forward towards the TRUTH. He wants us to declare and take ownership of our inheritance and destiny.
Let's keep declaring whom We are In CHRIST
Saturday, March 8, 2014
You Wont Relent
Another anointed Holy Spirit Filled Time tonight at The Well. Worship led us into the Throne Room beautifully tonight. God shared words of knowledge about His Jealousness for us, and that the Lord is good and that He does desire that intimate time with us.
Words of Knowledge were given for shoulder pain and for breast pain. We prayed over our sister Jill and she was instantly and completely healed of shoulder pain. Then we went on praying in joined spirit and Faith over returned cancer of the breast and cervix. We are believing for divine and complete healing. The body also spoke Prophetic words and Scripture of Life and Love over her and rebuked any curses in natural or spirit coming against Her. We give you PRAISE Lord for your emotional and physical healing.
Pastor Steve was able to preach again for his second week back.
Pastor Steve shared God's heart on Mission. He shared that no matter where we are or going we are called to the mission field. The mission field could be in far away countries or right in our own backyard. Mission begins when we find and share God's compassion for others.
Pastor Steve also shared with us again of a vision God had given Him. He said in his vision
He saw a speedboat racing through the water leaving behind a huge white wake. The speedboat represented the Kingdom moving forward powerfully and aggressively through the Wake (the Church)
As a body we continue lifting up our Missions Team to Costa Rica and for those of us staying home we are encouraged to seek out our own "Mission Field" here in Simi Valley.
The Apple of His Eye
Prophetic Painting by
Cindy Lynch
When I had this dream, I saw Jesus dancing with his bride( His church). It was in black and white and very abstract with the swirling around them. I felt when I woke up that it represented His intense love for us but even more, represented His love for real intimacy with us and our love for the same with Him. If you notice, both their arms blend into one another's. You can't tell who's holding who. The swirls were not meant to look like an eye but I was told by many it did. I think also this could mean that God's Bride is the apple of His eye.
Psalm 17:8 NIV
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
I prayed before I started and it just flowed. It was done in less than an hour. Praise God!
Wow another amazing vision given by God to Cindy captured perfectly and Beautifully through Her Gift of Art. Thank you Cindy for encouraging and reminding the body of God's desire of intimate relationship and His Love for us.
Monday, March 3, 2014
The Vine and the Branches
Saturday March 1st 2014
After a 3 week preaching absence Pastor Steve was back to preaching Saturday! We were all joyous to have Him back and excited to dive back into the Word together once again.
Worship hosted His presence beautifully and many were healed emotionally and physically by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Steve preached on John 15. He gave a great word on how we can only bear good fruit in our lives by abiding in Christ, and to abide in Christ we have to have a deep intimate relationship with the Father like Jesus does. It was a message to really reflect and chew on.
We ended service in corporate prayer for all needs of the body. We are also excited as a church for the Costa Rica Missions Trip that's quickly coming upon us. Lets keep pressing in prayer for all members partaking and for the Lord's plans to be made known.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
The Woman at the Well
Jake Silvio preached on John 4 -the Samaritan Woman whom Jesus met at the well. Jake preached of how words from Jesus can penitrate through us like words never spoken before. We are called to go out as Christ lives in us and encourage and love those around us, giving people Hope, purpose and imparting God appointed destiny.
With all of Heaven We celebrated excitedly as Evans asked God into His heart. We stand by Evans as brothers and sisters in Love and we give Glory and Praise to the Lord for His unconditional Love for His Children.
Cindy Lynch had a vision of Jesus standing as The Shepherd with His sheep. She felt like God was giving her revelation of Hope for all family and friends who had yet to encounter God's Love.
Jenn Silvio had a vision of a dark cloud chasing a group of people whom started to rub mud over their bodies to escape Evil and the mud turned to Scripture highlighting Psalm 31.
Kristen Campbell also saw Pastor Steve be knighted and crowned as we prayed for continued healing.