Monday, February 17, 2014

We can't be Shaken

Saturday February 15th 2014

Pastor Johnny Flores from Santa Paula Vineyard preached and led Saturdays service while Pastor Steve continues to rest and heal. Pastor Johnny asked the Lord to reveal some visions and words for the Worship team. So after Worship Pastor shared that God revealed Rebekah was His Song Bird, and that Her Worship pleases Him. Johnny also saw the word "Significant" for Jacob. And that He is and will continue to do significant things for the Lords Kingdom.

Jennifer Silvio had words of knowledge for back pain and a fear of death was present.

Cindy and Kristen had hands laid upon them and Kristin was completely healed and Cindy was healed about 90%. Thank you Jesus!!!
Jenn Silvio also saw during Worship a large knot from a ship form which symbolized the body coming together with strength and being knotted tightly to one another and Christ.

Pastor Johnny gave a good message on Faith and what is means to have Faith and when it counts the most.
Afterwards the church Prayed and Ministered over Rebekah, Elizabeth and Kathy - A great ending to a great service!

How He Loves Us

Saturday February 8th

Love, such as fitting word for the last two weeks. We Thank God for the Love that He has for the Tanner's. Pastor Steve suffered a major heart attack, but by God's grace and mercy Steve is healing quickly and will be back at The Well very soon.

Saturdays Service the Worship team led us in song of love and comfort. Jake preached and just asked us to close our eyes and picture God embracing us with a huge hug as Rebekah sang How He Loves Us. There was comfort, rest and powerful revelation during that time.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Soaking in His Presence

Another awesome Spirit Filled night at the Well. We declared and agreed for all the Glory, Wholeness and Blessings of Heaven to Invade Earth. Anointed Worship was followed by a great message by Pastor Steve on God's DEEP desire to have intimacy with His Children and the Zealous Love He has for Us. We followed the message by individually resting and soaking in His Presence.

We give GOD Glory tonight for the Healings after service.

Pastor Steve was prayed for by all members for His hurt upper Back. He was completely healed and was on fire with the Spirit.

We also prayed for Kathy's thyroid and the Spirit fell Hard :) Her neck was red in color and hot from the HS. His Love was radiating off of Her. We are believing for COMPLETE  healing, for no medications and or surgery to be needed.

We give all Praise and Glory to our King Jesus ♥ 

1 Peter 2:24
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
 He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.